What is R?

R is a Role ratings.

From a player's point of view, it means mastery of position, and from a team's point of view, it means fitness to tactics.

There are several ways to use it.

First, find a suitable player for the position recommended in the basic formation introduced in the game and build a squad.

If you find a lack of movement(dribble, penetration, pass etc) you can train your players to make a Preferred Move.(or to induce movement)

Second, there may be times when the continuity of tactics is undermined by unwanted injuries and transfer.

In those situations you will find the players you need immediately on these pages.

Third, you will need a best player to make it a mentor. because the trained attributes aren't falling well even when they are old.

It's a very simple idea, but if the result of the Mentoring is good, I think that the weighted value of the mentor data will be added to the average value applied. I want to get the square root and see the correlation, but I have not tested yet.

If you did a mentoring earlier than me, reply how your results were. :)
Thank you for reading.

c.f. Represents the percentage of attributes required for the role in the total attribute.
Rank S2 is 82%↑, S1 is 77 to 81%, S is 74 to 77%, A is 70 to 73%, B is 60 to 69%, C is 50 to 59%

Copyright 2019. 433SACCIBALL all rights reserved

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